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Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Symptoms and Treatment

Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is the most common form of arthritis in children. In the U.S., approximately 300,000 children have arthritis. Some of them experiences its effects for a few months to several years. Although severe cases may lead to further complications, such as chronic pain and joint damage, most cases of JIA are mild and treatable.

As a home care provider in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, we celebrate Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month. Here are the symptoms of JIA that you should know of:

  • Pain and swelling
    The most common symptom of JIA is joint swelling, which is normally first noticed in larger joints like the knees. This may also lead to joint pain and limping, especially upon waking up in the morning.
  • Stiffness
    Since JIA can cause limping and discomfort, you may notice your child appearing clumsier than normal due to joint stiffness.
  • Fever accompanied by other symptoms
    In some cases, children with JIA develop a high fever accompanied by a rash or swollen lymph nodes, particularly during the evening.

When should I see a doctor?
It’s recommended to see a doctor once your child experiences swelling, stiffness, or joint pain for more than a week, especially when accompanied by a high fever. Early detection can help manage their symptoms and prevent further complications. In severe cases, home care in Poconos, Pennsylvania may be recommended for support.

When left untreated, JIA can cause long-term recurring pain, stunted growth, joint destruction, pericarditis, and vision problems. As a result, personal care assistance in Pennsylvania may be necessary to help care for the patient.

Goodwill Healthcare, Inc. specializes in personalized, high-quality non-medical and home maker services. Call us to discuss your care options today.

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